Friday, January 15, 2010

Erm wait, 5 intentions?

I am a Goddess, and today I'm running late!
  • Dress how I want to feel.
  • Wore more, "discuss" problems with work less.
  • Be Optimistic about workload.
  • *Bonus - Stay Positive - Smile
  • Call G***** re: treximet
Although I got up late this morning, I made sure to start a yummy, healthy breakfast (which mom so graciously finished and dad enjoyed with us) so I could start the day properly.  When I got dressed (jean Friday - yes!), I wore my heels because I usually feel better in heels than in sneakers, thereby accomplishing my first intention.  I also called the doctor's office early in the day to check on my prescription as I have been unable to get a refill for two weeks as the doctor needs to obtain prior authorization.

One of my coworkers was out today and she is one that I will usually "discuss" problems with more than any others, so the second intention was easier.  Also, by getting more work done, it was easier to be optimistic.  If I can accomplish this amount of work in this amount of time, there is a chance of catching up!  Although I did work hard and become optimistic, I was also a realist and sent my boss an email update on the workload.  There are two people doing a job that actually requires at least another part-time person to do the job properly.  We are doing our jobs, plus we were given work from another department.  This was promised to be a temporary fix but it has lasted at least three months now.  It is the main source of stress that I have at work because I do not do my job properly because I do not want to completely ignore the other job as it was assigned to me and my coworker.  Giving my boss the update may inspire her to tell her boss so that we can get back to our priorities.

I think I also was positive for most of the day.  I smiled a lot and I received a compliment of appreciation from a cowroker that helped.  An added bonus was that today was Friday so I have the weekend to look forward to.  ::smile::

I also went through another magazine even though it was not on my list.  I think I may be getting used to the idea of going through a magazine daily so that it may not need to be an intention.  Hmmm.

I am a Goddess and I am looking forward to seeing my sister this weekend!


  1. (Running late was because I started typing the post at 11:46 and wanted it done before

  2. Looks like it WAS done before midnight. Mine... not so much. LOL. I thought about backdating it but decided not to. I still haven't written the posts I want to do, although I will have to put them in my still-need-to-make-this To Do List Book (a la the Goddess Year binder)... but I intend to get at least a LIST of post ideas written before leaving to see Rachel and Eric tomorrow!
